lundi 31 janvier 2011

Princess Stacy II

Princess Stacy left the ocean for rainbowland because she wanted to learn how to fly and to become Stacy the flying princess. She searched Cui-Cui the red bird to learned how to fly:
Cui-Cui said: "If you want to fly, you must have wings
Stacy asked: But, I don't have wings, What can I do?
- Don't worry, answered Cui-Cui, you can kill a bird and take his wings"
Upon hearing these words , Princess Stacy started to hit Cui-Cui.
"Hey! Wait!! Screamed Cui-Cui, it wasn't... (Pif) ...what I meant... (Vlan) Not me! (Paf) Please!! (Bam) Not... (Chbaa) (Crac)"
After that Cui Cui was sleeping forever, Princess Stacy got his wings and then she went to the top of the great chocolate mountain.
She jumped and flew on the pink sky!! Now, Stacy was Stacy the flying Princess, she flew on the perfumed air for a long time and between two rainbows (don't forget that we're on rainbowland) she met new friends:
Ouaf-Ouaf the flying dog, Gruik-Gruik the flying pig and ... the flying flower.

The End

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